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Meet James, a Say hello to music lover who seamlessly integrates Spotify into his work regimen, switches to Pandora during his jogs, and curates playlists for every occasion conceivable, from cardio sessions to cooking and even gaming. His headphones are his constant companions, converting his life into a completely soundtracked experience. However, while James gets solace and joy in the immersive world of music, the very thing he cherishes could be quietly damaging his precious sense of hearing.

Concerning our ears, there are both safe and unsafe ways to indulge in music. Unfortunately, a, any us lean towards the second approach.

What is the relationship between extended exposure to music and hearing loss?

Prolonged exposure to loud sounds can result in a decline in your auditory ability. Hearing loss is commonly connected to growing older, but recent studies suggest that it is primarily caused by damage from exposure to loud noises instead of being a normal part of aging.

It also appears that younger ears are particularly susceptible to noise-related damage (they’re still developing, after all). However, teenagers tend to ignore the possible risks of excessive noise over time. A growing number of young individuals are experiencing hearing loss as a result of frequent use of loud headphones.

Can one listen to music without any safety concerns?

Unlimited full volume is clearly the” hazardous” way to listen to music. But there is a safe(er) way to enjoy your music, and it usually involves turning the volume down. The general guidelines for safe volumes are:

  • Adults should restrict their device listening time to 40 hours or less and ensure the volume stays under 80 dB.
  • For Teens and Minors: You can still listen for 40 hours, but keep the volume level lower than 75 dB.

Breaking it down, you’re dealing with about 5 hours and 40 minutes of listening each day. That seems like a lot, but it can go by rather quickly. Despite this, most people possess a well-developed understanding of time management, a skill that is generally mastered during early childhood.

The harder part is monitoring your volume. On the majority of smart devices, computers, and televisions, volume is not measured in decibels. Its value is determined using a somewhat subjective or relative scale. Perhaps it’s 1-100. But maybe it’s 1-16. You might not have any idea what the max volume on your device is, or how close to the max you are.

How to properly monitor your music volume

Numerous free noise monitoring apps can be downloaded for both iPhone and Android devices to address this issue. These apps offer real-time information into ambient noise levels, empowering users to adjust their music volume accordingly.

That’s why the majority of hearing specialists advise the use of one of many free noise monitoring apps. These apps– widely available for both iPhone and Android devices– will give you real-time readouts on the noises around you. That way, you can keep track of the dB level of your music in real time and make adjustments.

Comparing relative volumes: from garbage disposals to dishwasher

For instance, a volume level of 80 decibels is comparable to the sound generated by a basic garbage disposal or dishwasher – you can hear them, but they won’t blow your ears out. Identifying this volume level is significant because it denotes the point at which hearing loss becomes a real and substantial concern.

So, being extra vigilant when exceeding this decibel threshold is important. Consider decreasing your exposure to exceedingly loud music by listening to certain songs at the highest volume rather than listening to entire albums.

Extended exposure to loud sounds can result in hearing issues, including ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, and potentially permanent damage to one’s hearing. By being aware of when our ears are at risk, we allow ourselves to make educated decisions in order to promote safer listening habits.

Schedule a hearing test

For better prioritization of your hearing health, it is recommended to contact a hearing professional to schedule a comprehensive hearing examination. Proactive measures such as regular assessments can identify any possible issues early on, enabling timely interventions and personalized recommendations to protect your precious sense of hearing.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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